Aloha, Nick Ponte here. As a digital marketing agency in Maui, Hawaii, my team and I love working with businesses to develop winning strategies that increase traffic and revenue. Last week, I shared several ways Hawaii businesses can approach the launch of new AI technologies by having a forward-thinking SEO strategy.
SGE (Search Generative Experience) is Google’s answer to the rapidly developing AI technology for search queries. Currently in testing stages, it gives users an expectation about upcoming options for search engines and getting answers to complex questions. SGE presents an experience similar to a chat conversation for users seeking information and solutions. Soon, it will affect how users can receive information related to businesses, products, and services. Hawaii businesses need to adapt quickly if they don’t wish to get left behind.
What does this mean for your Hawaii business? I want to share a few aspects to consider adopting into your digital marketing strategy.
Also Read: AI SEO Is Coming. Is Your Hawaii Business Ready?
Understanding AI for Your Business’s Sake
You might think it would be nice to simply coast along with your advertising and SEO strategies. But that isn’t how it works—it never has! Businesses must keep up with changes in communication and technology. Users always look for new methods of finding answers and new products to give them innovative solutions.

Advertisers haven’t stuck to traditional methods of billboards, newspaper ads, and mail flyers. These days, consumers typically view those as visual and literal clutter. Digital advertisements offer more targeted ways to gain customers, giving businesses the opportunity to attract users already searching for their products. These methods gain much more efficient results than throwing advertisements out into the wind, hoping they land in the right person’s lap.
Google SGE has the potential to enhance all of these perks of digital advertising—if businesses understand how to use it to help their current digital marketing practices. With AI technology on the verge of uprooting the landscape of digital marketing and search queries, what can you do to use it to your advantage? How should you set your business up to receive the benefits of AI technology and Google SGE—before it even officially launches?
I want to share several ways you can get ahead of your competition by preparing to integrate AI technology into your digital marketing strategies.
Also Read: Drive Rankings and Traffic with Content
Engaging Google SGE and AI as it Develops
Take these tips from expert advertisers about your business’s approach to AI technology:
DON’T Assume You Can Improvise
Google has stated that SGE will not replace its regular search engine. However, with search queries in Google SGE, websites may lose some organic traffic with the current method of using keywords. Rankings will present differently with the new carousel and informational setup. These changes could adversely affect local businesses and direct-to-customer brands and retailers. Once Google SGE officially rolls out, unprepared businesses will already be behind.
Don’t put your business in the position of playing catch up. Instead, update your SEO and digital marketing strategy now. Then, you can easily pivot with updates to Google SGE. You’ll be ahead of your competition because you’ve already prepared your business to reach customers through the new technology.
DON’T Avoid AI Engagement
Many businesses, and even marketing agencies, haven’t begun thinking about future strategies for AI. This is a huge mistake. Whether we like it or not, AI will change how users search for answers. Businesses need to start understanding how they can integrate these new technologies. Our Hawaii marketing agency has already launched extensive research efforts as we work to integrate the benefits AI technology can bring to our current strategies.

Do you want to keep your business thriving for years and appeal to younger audiences as they step into the marketplace? Young people will increasingly use this technology to find solutions. Beta users already report finding SGE simpler and more intuitive for complex queries. The secret for businesses is to keep trying new and creative methods in their approach to AI. It may take some creative approaches as businesses figure out how to best engage.
DO Prepare Your Website
Your website will still function as the launchpad for your business’s digital marketing strategy. While some of your approaches need to adjust, your business can continue creating excellent experiences for consumers. Produce high-quality content and paid advertising. Develop shareable content—don’t neglect quality social media content that users can easily engage with and share with their connections. Develop strong branding for your business. Focus on providing excellence through every area of customer experience, products, and engagement.
You can better address all of these areas when you have a team of experts supporting the details of your website. Outsource your digital marketing strategy to a Hawaii advertising agency like ours, so you can focus on developing exceptional customer experiences.
DO Learn More About Customer Searches
Do you know what your target audience searches for online? With SGE, it will involve more than just keywords. Your website’s visibility could change from the level you’re used to seeing.
These questions may require creative approaches. Ask for feedback about online searches from customers through surveys and reviews. Invest in paid advertisements and use the data in future digital advertising tactics. Also, a digital marketing agency will easily be able to collect and translate that data so you can use it in your strategy.
No one knows the full extent to which AI will affect SEO and small businesses. But we know that it WILL. Hawaii businesses should prepare for SGE’s launch now so they can reap the benefits immediately. If you want to learn more about how you can get on track to use AI technology to your advantage, reach out to us today!
Further Reading: Unlock Success: Collaborate with Top Hawaii Marketing Firms for Web Design
Photos Courtesy of, Hide Obara, & David Sager